Step 2: Pre-Assessment Tools

Now that you have gone through STEP 1: Initial Church Planting Conversation, we can move to the next step which is working through the pre-assessment tools.

The goal of these tools is to help you determine if you have some of the gifting and behaviors that we look for in a church planter.

1.  Complete the Discovery Tools workbook.  This workbook asks a number of questions about your calling, spiritual giftedness, and passion for ministry. Answering these questions will give you and us a better understanding of how you fit into church planting.

Now you are ready for the #2.

2.  Take the Finding Your Place in Ministry Quick Test.  Its a 20 question YES/NO survey, so it’s a quick tool to complete.  Here are the instructions to take that pre-assessment tool and send us the results.

  • Go to the QUICK TEST
  • Enter your basic information (Name, Address, etc)
  • Select “YES” on the last question (Do you want the results of this test emailed to someone else?)
  • Enter the email address: (copy and past if you would like)
  • Complete the questions.

Email or call your church planting contact you talked with during the Initial CP Conversation for the next steps in the process.  Make sure that you have sent the results of BOTH the Discovery Tools workbook and the Finding Your Ministry Quick test to before setting up a follow-up conversation.

At anytime, if you have questions or concerns, one of our coaches will guide you through the process and help to answer any questions that you may have about the process.